Cloud-based digital identity management vs traditional digital identity management

February 27, 2022

Cloud-based digital identity management vs traditional digital identity management

Digital identity management is an essential aspect of cybersecurity. With more and more businesses adopting cloud services, there is a growing debate on whether traditional or cloud-based digital identity management is the best approach. In this article, we will compare cloud-based digital identity management with its traditional counterpart and try to uncover which option is better for businesses.

Traditional Digital Identity Management

Traditional digital identity management is based on an on-premise model where businesses manage their identities by deploying hardware and software on their premises. It involves managing identity and access using solutions such as Active Directory, LDAP, and Single Sign-On.

Traditional digital identity management typically requires a significant investment in infrastructure, maintenance, and support. It also requires specialized IT staff to manage the system. The costs associated with traditional identity management can be significant, particularly for smaller businesses.

Cloud-Based Digital Identity Management

Cloud-based digital identity management is an identity management solution that is accessible through the cloud. It provides businesses with secure access to their applications, systems, and data using Single Sign-On, Multi-Factor Authentication, and other access control mechanisms.

Cloud-based digital identity management is typically more cost-effective than traditional identity management, as it eliminates the need for hardware and on-premise software. Businesses can leverage the scalability and resilience of cloud providers without having to focus on building and maintaining their identity management infrastructure.

Comparison Between Cloud-Based Digital Identity Management and Traditional Digital Identity Management

Here is a comparison between Cloud-Based Digital Identity Management and Traditional Digital Identity Management.

1. Scalability

Cloud-based digital identity management is more scalable than traditional digital identity management. In the cloud environment, businesses can easily scale up or down based on their user's needs. Traditional digital identity management is usually limited to the hardware and software deployed within the organization.

2. Security

Both cloud-based digital identity management and traditional digital identity management provide secure access to business applications and data. However, cloud-based identity management is often more secure as cloud providers invest heavily in security infrastructure, making it more difficult for hackers to access critical systems and data.

3. Cost

Cloud-based digital identity management is often more cost-effective than traditional digital identity management. With cloud-based identity management, businesses do not have to invest in expensive hardware and software. They can leverage the cloud provider's infrastructure and capabilities, saving them significant costs.

4. Maintenance

Maintaining traditional digital identity management requires specialized IT staff and can be time-consuming and difficult. Cloud-based digital identity management is more straightforward to maintain, as it relies on the expertise of the cloud provider.


When it comes to digital identity management, cloud-based digital identity management offers many advantages over traditional digital identity management. Cloud-based identity management is more scalable, more secure, more cost-effective, and simpler to maintain. Therefore, businesses should consider adopting cloud-based digital identity management for their identity management needs.


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